Emergency Troubleshooting Dépannage urgent : 06 37 67 91 62




TGBT France Troubleshooting

Call upon our emergency troubleshooting service for your high voltage and low voltage substations
Proximity – Reliability – Responsiveness

Facing an electrical breakdown in your industrial installations? Our emergency service is available 24/7 throughout France.

Immediate human expertise and the availability of a backup generator are our major strengths in emergency interventions. Our qualified technicians swiftly address your issues to troubleshoot transformers, high voltage circuit breakers, low voltage circuit breakers, and high voltage cells.

At TGBT France, we handle all types of emergency interventions. Feel free to reach out to us through the emergency number or by filling out a troubleshooting request form.

Example of Emergency Intervention by TGBT France

Fire at the Saclay Factory:

  • We offered equipment rental during the repair period
  • We then reconditioned and installed a new transformer
Dépannage TGBT France
Dépannage TGBT France
Dépannage TGBT France

Trust our experts available in case of emergency

Nothing is more stressful than a blackout leading to an immediate halt of your operations.

Our expert technicians are available in all regions and quickly respond to provide emergency assistance as swiftly as possible. We have a range of backup transformers specifically dedicated to the emergency troubleshooting of your high-voltage equipment.

All our service trucks are equipped with an extensive range of guaranteed parts, ensuring a quick return to normal operations at all times.

HWP – High Voltage General Protection Relay – Compliance Implementation

If you have a high-voltage delivery point with HVA metering, you have received or will receive a letter from ENEDIS regarding the compliance of your general HVA protection. This is due to the modification of the neutral regime, which will transition to compensated neutral in order to limit the homopolar fault current to 40 A.

For those affected subscribers, it is required to install a homopolar wattmetric protection (HWP). To achieve this, you will need:

– A protection relay of type SEPAM S48 E13 or equivalent, complying with standard C13 100.
– A 48 Vdc power supply.
– A set of connectors for SEPAM.
– A module with 10 logic inputs and 4 logic outputs.
– A CSH30 current transformer.
– 3 test boxes: for Current, Voltage, and Polarity.
– A kit for connecting to the HTA main circuit breaker.
– A low-voltage circuit breaker C60H-DC (for SEPAM power supply).

Our teams frequently perform this type of service, and we are at your disposal. Please note that this service needs to be carried out in collaboration with ENEDIS, as they are responsible for testing the HTA general protection relay at required thresholds. This operation is commonly referred to as “Essais C13 100”. We are also available to assist you with the necessary steps when dealing with ENEDIS.

The intervention will require your installations to be powered down, and the average duration of the process is around 6 hours.